Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Apple Pie.

Today, grateful for that warm and satisfying glow that one gets from doing something for someone you care about. This might be complimenting them, or sharing biscuits, or buying and delivering to them an apple pie. The latter today. I must apparently state here that today, I was grateful that Rere was grateful that I got her an apple pie. And apparently made her day, which made me feel quite, quite pleased inside. The pies were utterly delicious :) as were the iced coffees which came after. Hurrah for the hospitality students. School cafe, squeee!

Formal partners were drawn out of a hat today - I've been paired with someone that I've never spoken to before. I've seen him around and the like, but we've never exchanged words or probably even eye contact. In this, I guess I'm grateful for the chance to meet and get to know new people :)

Grateful for the sunshiny afternoon and a little lemon meringue pie.

Dream of sweet things!
Lise xx

Monday, May 30, 2011

A Nerdy Cat, I Am!

Grateful to have finally found some motivation, in the last hour of today. At least some English will get done tonight.

I've realised that most of the things I'm grateful for each day, as stated on this here blog, involve completing school work or delightful friends. I'll try to think outside the box a little more. God knows it could be good for us all.

So, I'm grateful that today was sunny, but also that I wore my thermals. Glad that we moved from the icebox to the new chemistry labs! Very exciting :)

Grateful for a teacher-supplied sugar boost in the last half of chemistry class. I think we were all a little brain dead, asking the same question thirteen different ways :)

Grateful, I suppose, for rehearsals. Although I wasn't prepared for them and they ruined my study plans for the afternoon, it's still always a fun time. Not too much time left til opening. Scaryy :)

Grateful for dinner when I was starving. Grateful for the dopey look our darling puppy dog gives me when I get home from school, then lays in the middle of the floor, on his back, waiting to have his belly rubbed.

Grateful for television, to chill me out a little so I could find that hidden scrap of motivation now.

Grateful that I woke up this morning. It certainly wasn't the best day, but I was outdoors and learning and acting and studying, and that's more than some. I'm grateful that I lived today. Grateful that the world let me be here a little longer, to make plans and dream dreams and to cry and hurt and love and feel joy. I'm grateful, I suppose, for life.

Time is slipping away and is, of course, of the essence. I have an essay about nonsense (no, really) that wants editing.

I do hope you dream sweetly.
Lise xx

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Grateful that my math assignment is done, and for a few laughs and some cups of tea with a good friend today.

I can't think any more.
Goodnight. You're all mighty pretty.

Lise xx

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Grateful for a spontaneous visit from the cousins, all rugged up :) ah, southerners! It's so nice having them living up here, so they CAN just drop around :)

Grateful that the godforsaken math assignment is NEARLY DONE. My life is improving based solely on this fact :)

Grateful for some serious laughs with Mum and Grace. And Nan :P

Grateful for tea and fruit cake and a reptilian visitor.

Grateful for a nice cruise around the Yungaburra markets today. Lovely :)

Grateful that it's time for bed soon!

All my love, no equations.
Lise xx

Friday, May 27, 2011

Like A Bug In A Rug.

Hi All.

Grateful for some success with the math assignmentin'.
Grateful to come home to a warm fire.
Grateful that I had the dork-ish wisdom to wear thermals to school, as we had biology in the not-so-fondly named 'ice-box'.
Grateful for teachers who crack jokes, teachers who heat their classrooms and teachers who bring their boisterous children to class, much to student amusement. A pretty good Friday.
Lamingtons and cake and a wonderful cup of tea.
Sunny lunch times and a mischievous imp tied to a tree!
Dreaming of wonderful mugs and chilling and I do so love my slipper-boots.

Snuggle up, have a hot chocolate and sleep tight, dears.
Lise xx

You know…if, I was like, a frog in the forest and you were like, a frog too, I’d like, totally want to hang out with you at your little frog pool, and stuff.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Don't need no phone, just look real far!"

Today, I felt a little like I wished I could be doing this ^^
Grateful for a sunny day, and a fun rehearsal with my 'son', and finishing uni module 6 (only one behind now!) and a power nap and playing with fire.

So grateful for mathsB lesson today. The most fun, the most laughs that I've had for awhile. Ridiculous jokes, giggled asides, silly remarks and insults and such. AND we learned things, giant bonus. Great teacher, enjoyable people. It was a good class.

All in all, not a bad day.

Nice to see the professional photos from deb - they turned out nicely :)

And now, away! To the assignmenting! To avoid doom!
I love you.

Lise xx

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Turn on the radio, what do you hear?

There were so many birds around today. Everywhere I looked, birds! I was grateful for their cooing and cawing and feathery company.
And not a single one did I capture on digital film.

Ah well, you can all enjoy this photo of my excited younger brother off to his primary school athletics carnival. He came home quite chuffed with his swag of ribbons from ball games and sprints and the like. Proud of him :)

Grateful for a bit of a calmer day, for chemical fun (titration competitions!) and getting some modulising done for my uni course and a QCS practice session which went smoothly and only required us to write a short story. Hurrah. Grateful to be able to smile.

So grateful to be back at dancing. Walking into the studio felt like coming home after a long trip. It seems like years since I've been there. It was just good to get back into it, the same people with the same idiosyncrasies. All that jazz.

Grateful for some lead parts in the dance concert this year. So very, very excited and keen!

Well darlings, I'm off to study like the nerdy cat I tend to be.
Dream harder, dream bigger, and make every thought count.
I love you, and you're prettier than sunsets.

Lise xx

Monday, May 23, 2011

Like Open Doors..

I'm grateful to be home.

As any one [if there is any one] who regularly reads my blog would have observed, I've been absent a lot. I'm sorry, really. It's been tricky and emotional and I haven't had Internet access, but now I'm back.

I'm grateful for all the verybeautifuls who have helped me, talked to me, hugged me, let me cry, everything throughout this whole...dilemma. You are appreciated and loved. So very much.

Grateful for [a lot of] help with my math assignment, long talks on the floor, good vibes. Grateful for kind people and warm hearts. Grateful for memories and love and happiness. Gooey marshmallow and warm biscuits, cafe chairs in a library, snug slippers, procrastination, occasionally understanding formulae, other people's blogs, smiles, singing. I'm grateful for a lot of things.

I'll leave you on that note. It's time to do this math assignment, almost against my will.
I love you all dearly. You're so beautiful. Don't forget.
Lise xx

PS. I adore this house. I want to take photos in it. It has an amazing, old-school vibe. And the sweetest kitchen window. And tattered curtains that the sun filters through. Oh, gosh, it's lovely.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Grateful for tiny, om nom apple cakes, very thoughtfully made for us :) thank you Sigal!

Grateful for warm slipper-boots and understanding chemistry and kind friends and good hugs and the smell of baking and such. For being flour-covered and sleepy and procrastinating like a pro.

Grateful for a lesson of amusing tomfoolery and [generally] fun with my grade eight form class today. I'm not sure why, but we had to supervise their class and do self-esteem building activities with them. Grand stuff.

Grateful for good talks with people who get you.

Grateful to be breathing the beautiful air. Winter nears.

Grateful for you, lovelies. Every one of you.
Lise xx

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I know. It's been a while.

I'm not sure how to start this blog. There's so much to be sad for, but so much within that which we can all be grateful for.

For those of you who don't know my grandfather, Col Courtney, passed away on Monday night. He was a beloved dad, step-dad, grandad and husband. You were so strong, such a fighter, all the way to the end. We'll miss you. We love you.

Grateful for a supportive and loving family in a very difficult time. It's a comfort to know that we are all surrounded by beautiful people who care and will listen. Friends, also, are the rocks we can lean on. I can't thank any of you enough.

Grateful that we were able to spend time with him before he left. He knew we were there, even though he could only respond by squeezing our hands and moving his feet. And that was only for the first few days. But to see him, and tell him we loved him, and know he was still hanging on, is something I think we were all grateful for. He saw his girls, the chihuahuas Muffy and Mia, on Monday afternoon, and that completed it, we think. He'd seen everyone that mattered and he slipped away peacefully that night. He was peaceful when we saw him last, and it means a lot to all of us that he didn't suffer. The ward he was in was lovely, beautiful staff and a gorgeous view even if he couldn't see it. We were glad that if he had to go, he did so in a nice place like that, and that he was comfortable.

Grateful for afternoons full of photo boxes and reminiscing and chats, and the cream buns and licorice all sorts he loved and remembering all the things that made him dear to us, all the things we will remember. His grumpy days and terrible jokes and cupcake-eating ways and stubbornness and general silliness. He was such a character. He will be missed so, so much.

Grateful that the world goes on, its still beautiful, and Grandad, we know you're still here.
I love you.
Lise xx

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Another day, minus a photo that I, myself, took. So, there shall be no photo.

The things I'm grateful for today cannot really be captured in a digital image. So, as you see, today there is no photo.

I was grateful for more fun and tomfoolery at musical rehearsals. And singing :)

Grateful for a nice chat, which grew into a long chat.

Grateful for some positive words from an almost-stranger.

Grateful for a nap in the sun and a groovy talk with some interesting people. And a magazine with the Wombats on it :P

Grateful that Grandad is hanging in there. Love and light.

Love and light to you, too. And beautiful dreams all 'round.
Lise xx

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No, it isn't me. But I love it.

Pretty picture courtesy of thea_speaks_her_mind on deviantart. Great vibe. I dig it :) 

Grateful for singing my heart out, and for general ridiculous goings on, as happens at musical rehearsals. Mythical dancing? A communal bottle of creaming soda? Oh, I think so!

Grateful for music that you feel, music that means something, music that gets you through the day or lifts you up on a cold, slow, dreary morning.

Grateful for sunshine on aforementioned chilly days!

Sleep sweetly, dream dearly.
Lise xx

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Worth A Little Giggle. Or at least a smile.

No Photo. Nothing interesting seen or done, much to my indignance.

Grateful for understanding and compassion. For organisation and motivation. And for squidgle-able little panda children :) Made me smile. Hope it makes you smile, too.

Smile, like you've got nothing to prove.
No matter what you might do,
there's always someone out there

I might just get up and dance,
or buy some acid-washed pants
when you don't care then
you've got nothing to lose!

Ben Folds Five. Love. 

Goodnight, beautiful people. Be happy, please.
Lise xx

Sunday, May 8, 2011

These Little Wonders.

Today, I was grateful for miracles.

I’m not a religious person, nor do I have any faith in any ‘higher powers’ who people seem to believe just grant wishes like genies in a bottle. I’m also not a fan of cliché, but heck, I swear a little miracle came to our family today.

My grandfather, Col, was rushed to hospital early Saturday morning, being treated for a heart attack. This led to a huge stroke, which led to bleeding on the brain. By the time he reached neurosurgery in Townsville, he wasn’t responding and seemed to have lost his speech. A couple of hours later and he had a shunt in his skull to drain the excess fluid and things were looking grim. Family began to fly in from around the country and we packed our bags to drive down on Sunday morning. We were all steeling ourselves for a goodbye.
We got to the hospital at around 11, and sat in the waiting room for endless hours. By the time we were allowed in to see him, he had regained some movement in his right side. When he squeezed my hand in his, I more or less burst into tears.

Halfway through the day, the doctors spoke to all the assembled family (minus the younger cousins). They said that they’d been anticipating a much worse discussion, thought we’d have had some awful decisions to make, but instead the news was good. He was able to breathe on his own (although he was still connected to the ventilator just in case) and the right side of his body was responding; he could squeeze his fingers and wriggle his toes as commanded. It was so much more than we’d hoped for. When we paid him a visit to say goodnight, he was rubbing my fingers and holding and squeezing my hand in response to my voice.
It is one of the most moving things that have ever happened to me.

We’ve all been warned that it will be a long road ahead – a lot of rehabilitation – and he’s by no means out of the woods yet. But I know I speak for all of us when we say that we are just glad that he is still with us. We’re being realistic- there is still a lot of potential for complications – but we’re hopeful. Today has given us hope, and it truly was a little miracle that he began to respond again, and so quickly. He’s stubborn, we joke. He’s a fighter, and all our love and thoughts are with him. We’re all willing everything to turn out for the best.

When I first heard the news, the situation was looking bad. The first thing I thought of, after the shock, was to try to remember the last time I’d seen him. He was at our house, gutting fish in the carport. I was preoccupied with an overdue assignment, so I didn’t pay much attention. I don’t even know if I waved. I don’t remember the last words we spoke to one another. Suddenly, all of those things seemed so incredibly important.
There’s a lesson in it for all of us, I suppose; don’t take the people you love for granted. It’s a simple lesson, and cliché, but one that we all tend to forget. Tell people you love them. Spend time with them. Never forget, or let them forget, how very much they mean to you.

Tonight, I’m grateful for miracles and family. I hope this reminds you to be grateful for them, too.
Lise xx

Friday, May 6, 2011

A Wild RereReegan Appears!

Grateful for a day much like any other.
A bit odd, a bit random, some laughs, some frustration, some confusion, some Australian rock music, measuring the temperature of coffee for an hour, being beaten up by an over-excited Reegan, nonsensical poetry, having my shoes thrown to the goats, singing-and-dancing biscuits, a Lorax and buying Post-It notes. An average day? Why yes of course :)

Grateful that I have a Mother's Day gift. Yes, I know you're reading this Mum, but its a secret!

Grateful for a nice coffee and chat after school today with some of the mothers of Will's friends. Lovely ladies, the lot of them :) and Trevor of course :)

Grateful that I am getting back on top of school. It really hit me when we came back after the holidays, but I'm getting there.

Night pretties. Octavian and the Roman Respublica await me.
Lise xx

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Qualified! Sh-yeah! :D

Grateful that myself and Annie are qualified teachers of the British Dancing Association's Tap and Jazz Syllabii :D We can now teach anywhere in the world. Photo is of the Certificates (Trophies beling to sister and were required as paperweights :P) Woo hoo! Very excited and proud :)

Grateful for a hilarious night at dancing. It's good to be back, indeed :)
"Argh! Rome's gonna sink! I'm calling Dad. Screw Fiji, we've gotta go there right away!"
Bahaha. Oh, the best of times, all of so delirious on the car ride home!

Grateful for a random feel-good note found in the diary when I opened it up to find the homework.
"You are the highlight of my day."
Written in highlighter.
Aw. Thanks Jorge :)

Hope you all had a very nice day. Off to study!
Lise xx

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Power Nap, Baybeh.

Grateful for a warm snooze in the sun today. Late to bed and up early, so by second recess I was ready for a nap!

Grateful that Ancient History assignment is done and dusted.

Grateful for an afternoon at home and some Milo and time to catch up on study. My camera battery is flat so I am unable to upload anything. Also, the only thing I photographed today was the fine artistic work of Mr Gavin Brownn, who had stuffed alot of dried leaves in Jake's shoe for no apparent reason.

Dream sweetly. You're all so gosh.darn pretty.
Lise xx

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dramatically Ancient Chemicals?

Grateful for a spontaneous drama performance thing which I attended today :) The acting was very impressive and they made interesting use of technology as well. Sadly they had to set up for the next show, so no photo opportunity. Darn.

Grateful that I have my second-last distance ed assignment all done and sent away.

Grateful for a B- on my chemistry exam form last term! Gahah! That is the highest mark I've had in Chem in two years. My excitement is immense :)

Grateful for a pretty good day, despite enormous sleepiness :)

Grateful for grand people and teachers who give me books for Ancient History Assignments! Thank you greatly, Jackson and Mrs Godfrey. I may now actually have more than the one source, I appreciate it a lot :)

Grateful that, sometime tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll get some sleep. When this essay is done.

Grateful for you. Yes, you, reading. Thank you :)

Ancient, dramatic love! *faints*
Lise xx

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Music. That Heartbeat.

Groovin The Moo.
Lordyyy. Need I say more?


Gracious me, I've never been to a place with so many people, so much vibe, and so much SOUND. Standing next to the speaker for most of the afternoon. I may never hear properly again. And my neck may never recover from the Art vs Science mosh pit (the epitome of awesome) but I can deal with it, for twas grand and groovy and rad! :P

Grateful for a road trip full of old songs, many laughs and to-die-for guacamole. Grateful for the time of my life, for a bunch of beautiful people and for a beat so loud it hits you in the soul :) Grateful for the curious experiences that one can only find at such events; befriending randoms, having people fall from the sky onto your head, screaming at the top of your lungs and getting drenched in sweat that isn't all yours. Grateful for rocking out, and an amazing experience :) not without ups, downs, and minor drama, but overall the great vibe and the amazing atmosphere and FUN couldn't be dampened by anything. Grateful also that the weather was lovely :)

Grateful for a beach picnic and watching the skydivers and propping up the palm tree :) Grateful for silliness.

Elspeth: Modern cars with electric windows are dangerous. 
Adriana: I'd just punch a hole in the window.
Elspeth: You couldn't, you're too small.
*Elise cuts in*
Elise: I just had an image of me trying to punch out a window!
...I just hurt my mental hand.

Bahah. Oh-so-ridiculous, but such grand times :)

Thanks Adriana, Annie and Elspeth for the grand times on the trip there and back. And to everyone else, for the concert itself. It was amazing.

Much bubbly, vibey love to all of you!
Lise xx