Tuesday, January 11, 2011

short.sweet.simple.school.sleeping.such. Hurrah for alliteration! :)

It was a nice kind of day. Simple, and kind of short since I slept half of it away, but nice.
Almost done with my final back-to-school-shopping tasks ever. As in, EVER! This I find both terrifying and exciting. And sad, too. Mainly sad. Not so much effort as usual went into the decorating this year, as you can see [over the years, books have been covered with everything imaginable: posters, stickers, cutouts from colouring-in books, photos, fake jewels. You name it, its been on the cover of my school books.] This was also a little sad, but happy too. Means I'm nearly at the end of that seemingly endless tunnel comprising our mandatory education. New adventures await! :)
Had morning tea with the grandparents today, too :) 'twas lovely, its been awhile. Immensely 'nawww!' moment as we drove off, they stood on the end of the driveway and each waved one-handed, holding hands with the other :) very sweet, I hope I can be like that when I'm their age, too!
Another positive from my day was that I became enlightened as to the existence of the PASSIONFRUIT FLOWER.  Which happens to be very pretty and a little obscure looking in a lovely, lovely way. I take Senior Biology and we spent nearly a whole year on plants, so one would assume I should have learned that all things which fruit also flower. Suppose that's why I'm only getting 'C's' ;) But a big thank you, bringer of enlightenment! You made my day, really :)
And that, ladies and gentlemen, more or less summarises my day. Short and sweet and simple and such :)

Dream sweetly, loves.
Lise xx

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