Sunday, July 31, 2011

Good evening.

Grateful for a very successful ticket-selling morning at the Dance Connection RAD Demonstration; thank you to the generous people who bought tickets from me - $150 raised for Maize Festival just this morning :) grateful also to Mrs Dee Cuda for the pumpkin cake, and Elspeth for the sash-fixing miracle :)

Grateful for a nice lunch and wander around town with Jarrah, a good talk and a lot of laughs. Always groovy :)

Grateful that its almost time for bed - terribly tired.

Much love. I hope your weekend was spectacular.
Lise xx

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Grateful for an uplifting film Eat Pray Love, coffee and chips at the footy, an afternoon in which I sat at the table and wrote a song in a most spontaneous fashion, as well as the feelings of release that the writing process itself helped to give me.

Grateful for a quick chat to a lovely soul, Ash, on facebook. As he said to me as we ended our chat, god bless you.
Lise xx

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dear me, I've missed a day again.

Grateful for a Thursday with no dancing, due to chemistry tutorials, which yielded many helpful results. Almost done with my experiments :)

Grateful for Friday, and a songwriting workshop I attended as part of the Queensland Music Festival. There were about thirty or forty of us there, no one I knew except my old guitar teacher, which was nice in that I had to talk to and meet new people. Some very groovy folk there, and some real talent. The whole thing just had a really great energy and that, combined with the awesome vibe of sitting around and playing music and singing together, made for a pretty fantastic experience. The hosting people were also very cool :) Peter Farnan (Boom Crash Opera), Robert Forster (The Go-Betweens), Leah Flanagan (The Leah Flanagan Band) and Rebecca Barnard (Rebecca's Empire). Worked primarily with Leah and Peter throughout the workshop, both really fanastic musicians. Twas an inspiring, brain-stimulating thing indeed :)

Have a lovely Saturday.
Lise xx

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Never will I sit another English exam.

Never, ever, I don't know whether to be wistful or overjoyed. It went well, anyway, for a final exam.

Grateful for a fairly chilled afternoon with Jarrah, Will was pleased to learn two new chords on guitar :P

Grateful for tea and skittles and finalising biology and this POSITIVELY SPLENDID TABLE. Oh, heck, I wish I had one. I wish we had one in our school. Too marvellous, and I have too much time to procrastinate, to have found it :)

Night! Chem time!
Lise xx

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday Gratefuls.

Ballet, Tea, Skittles, Study, Laughs, Garden.

Jake is finally rid of the awful rat's tail he cultivated for the school musical.
Chemistry - It brings people together, truly. You discuss results and borrow apparatus and generally know each other better than English classmates, or some such thing.

Night. English exam to study intensely for.
Lise xx

Monday, July 25, 2011

Another Monday.

90's pop, photos of nothing but test tubes and chlorides, TV shows I watched as a child, a lovely fire, some sort of productive chemistry work, another day closer to the weekend :P Grateful for today as a whole. It had its good and bad moments, but grand all the same.

Goodnight, pretties.
Lise xx

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Great Australian Rock Musical.

Well, lovely people. The musical is over, the last one I (and the rest of the grade 11 and 12 students) will ever perform in at Atherton State High School. WHAT a buzz the performances were, worth every minute of rehearsal and lunchtime singing instruction for that two hours of adrenaline and applause. A truly spectacular time was had by all :) made new friends, become closer to old ones again, generally had a great time. Thank you to all the groovy, groovy cast members as well as the directors, the hair and makeup ladies, the tech, lighting, sound people, backstage crew, band...everyone. It was a great show and an amazing feeling. Kind of sad its over, but these are memories we shall have forever :)

Grateful also for frosty mornings, warm nights in full of doonas and laughs with friends, apple strudels for lunch, some productive study and god, the amazing people! So many laughs, jokes, gossip sessions in the dressing rooms, games, Power Ranger warm up, talking like bogans, planking fake children, all manners of hilarious. I'll miss hanging out with you all on a regular basis, musical people! I love you all dearly.
Lise xx

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

So Very Tired. Grateful for;

Rehearsals. Coffee downtown. Watched fellow in fluorescent vest bring in flowers for his girlfriend, who was working, giant 'awww!'. Snooze. Wonderful dinner. Apple crumble. A nice warm bed.

Lise xx

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Grateful for a quiet afternoon and evening, house to myself. Fantastic to have some headspace. Grateful to have achieved much in chemistry today, experiments worked as anticipated (hurrah!). Grateful for some new music (Two Door Cinema Club and Darwin Deez, woot!) and that its going to be a pretty early night :) loving it. Loving you, all :)
Lise xx

Monday, July 18, 2011

1, 2, 3, Taylor Baty!

Another grand afternoon of singing, dancing, makeup, bad cues, shovels, chips, flannels, concerning costumes, silly whispered conversation, ad lib and general hip-swinging :)

Love you!
Lise xx

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Drizzly Marvels.

OhSoGrateful for a truly spectacular day with the truly inspiring Rebecca :) lordy, I love you. French toast and jam for lunch, lots of coffee and biscuits, photography, music, Charlie, vibes, a wee bit of English study and the best chat I've had in ages.Thank you for everything, it was utterly lovely :)

Grateful to Rob, the raddest uncle, for selling tickets for me all about the countryside. You're a legend, I love you!

Grateful also that math is making a bit of sense. Delightful.

Dream sweetly of nonsensical wonders.
Lise xx

Saturday, July 16, 2011

No, it certainly isn't me.

Grateful for a relatively productive day of chemistry assignmenting and English research (how very nerdy of me) and for some fine and groovy tunes :) Grateful also for the watching of the highly entertaining 'Burlesque' which everyone has raved to me about and I have now finally seen. Oh, to sing like Christina Aguilera *sighs*.

I hope you had a wonderous day!
Lise xx

Friday, July 15, 2011

Rehearsin' Away.

Grateful for a long day of rehearsals, nine this morning til eight tonight. In spite of this, though, it was a lot of fun and the time seemed to fly by :) The musical is starting to really, really come together and I'm starting to get excited about the actual shows :) Full costume and makeup, so there was chaos in the dressing rooms and we all looked splendid of course :P

Goodnight, all :)
Lise xx

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I've returned, once again, from the bloglessness. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were spent grandly at JCU Townsville, and last night, after a musical rehearsal til eight, I couldn't quite muster the energy to focus the gratefulness. But now, I'm here :)

Grateful for pretty much the entire trip to Townsville. The people, the things we did, the late nights/early mornings. We ate ice cream when it was cold, we walked the campus at three in the morning. We played Spoons on the floor of the cinema lobby with coins and violently in the boy's common room with packets of Smarties. We took photos, we laughed, we were so stereotypically teenage and it felt wonderful. The campus was nice, the staff were friendly and all, the courses were very interesting. We wore silly hats, went to the movies, hung out with the awesome people supervising us, made a lot of noise, made new friends, held hands with cadavers [well. I didn't.] ate junk food, hid in our cupboards and talked about everything and nothing. And slept on the bus for most of the way home. :) It was an amazing time, another one to file away on the fantastic memory lane of grade 12.

Grateful that the musical is really starting to come together, and for all the people involved. The ones who organise the props, the ones who make me laugh, the ones who drop their microphones onstage and the ones who dance madly with me. There was also an impressive ad lib section and a major deviation from the script. All in all, successful and enjoyable :)

Grateful today for a hip hop class full of spine-snapping crumping and bad jokes, for finally getting back to dancing. Also, for working out all the stuffs for Maize Festival. Excited to be entered in the Queen Quest. Hopefully it will be a fun experience. Better hop to it and sell some tickets!

Its late, and there is more rehearsing to be done tomorrow. For twelve hours. I'm looking forward to it, actually :)

Lise xx

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Grateful, over the past three days, for many a thing. Listing, shall be quickest

- a wonderful day of op-shopping with Rere on Friday, including excellent chats, coffee and ginger beer, wonderful pizza, a lot of hippies, a futuristic didgeridoo, the coolest cat of a shop assistant who used to chill with the Svreaming Jets in the 80s and refused to sell her Slash poster, a cheerful woman with psychotic hair, another with pink dreads who we saw all day, rum and raisin icecream, cheap tunes, painful heels, the most inspiring-to-be-a-rockstar movie of all time, sitting on the ground to listen to rasta music, and many other adventures.
- musical rehearsals all day Saturday, which while being long and somewhat boring, were a lot of silly fun nonetheless.
- dinner and pineapple cheesecake and a ridiculous television series with Jarrah as well as great chats with him and Sigal concerning all sorts of things.
- musical rehearsals all day today, very chilled but incredibly productive, working with the microphones and eating jellybeans and crazy dancing.

Its been a long, tiring and spectacular few days. Now, I'm off to Townsville for a school trip with a group of Grade 12's to JCU. Exciting, and I shall write when I get back :) All my love and joy.
Lise xx

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Yet again, no photo.

Grateful today for the organising of social events, for a snoozy&cruisy day, for a very long phone call and for warmth; warm slippers, warm sunshine, warm fire, warm shower. Perfect for this wintry weather :)

Grateful that is back up and running! Very exciting to have that pretty little inspiration back :)

Grateful for a chat with a lovely gentleman at Big W, about how clever technology is, and cameras and such. He told me about how he has a 4G memory card, it takes almost two thousand photos, and isn't it amazing how simple it all is, just hold the button til the green cross appears, and such. What a sweetheart. :)

Love to all of you. You're beautiful, smile.
Lise xx

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Grateful for [amused by] the ridiculous excitement of father and younger brother over the State Of Origin win by Queensland. Note the sign in the background; "blues stink", "queenslander try time!". haha. Six years in a row, well done boys. :)

Grateful for some time and creative headspace for songwriting and reading, and for coffee and several trips backward and forward to check if the photos I put in for developing this morning were ready. Still not in my possession, will have to pick them up tomorrow! Grateful also for two new books, a good chat and the feeling of snuggling up in bed to watch trashy TV while the battle for the Origin trophy raged outside :P

Hope you all had a lovely, loud, maroon evening.
Lise xx

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Credit for this piece of photographic nostalgia goes to an amazing lady, Natalie Kucken. Gorgeous.

Grateful for another day of stereotypical holiday-lazing-about.

Grateful for [yet another] omelette, the discovery of a new blog to while away the time admiring and that all the Show entry forms are filled out and handed in for another year. Grateful for an afternoon to sift through photographs old and new, for a game of cricket on the freezing grass and a hot shower thereafter.

May lovely things pass through your mind while you sleep :)
Lise xx

Monday, July 4, 2011


Grateful for a late night, donuts for breakfast, a romantic comedy and a new magazine :)

Dream sweet.
Lise xx

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Grateful for a sleep in, a cup of tea and a chat with a friend who popped in and some time to play guitar.

Grateful for tea and making quiche and a pretty sunset and monkeybars and movies :)

All in all, a grand and social day. Goodnight :)
Lise xx

Saturday, July 2, 2011


My last post was Wednesday. It is now Saturday evening. Appalling effort. :) I will summarise my last three days of grateful.

Off down to the eistedfodd, much too early in the morning. On the flipside, stole Danielle away with us to stay a few nights :) had to be in the city for the whole day, so we went shopping, talked, ate, talked, saw a movie and talked. :) grateful for the opportunity to catch up and hang out, it was utterly splendid.

Slept innnnn, met up with some more friends in town. Had coffee, wandered about, drove around a bit, ate an awful lot, played with balloons and generally had a great time. They ended up staying for dinner, then we all ended up curling up on my bed to talk til two in the morning. Danielle and I finally got to sleep at three after chatting awhile longer. Grateful for a day full of laughs, ridiculous things, ghost stories, brownies and squirrels :P

Up early, down the hill. Danced, had a great time. No place, but a really great chat with two of the other competitors, a really, really wonderful way to finish off my whole eistedfodd experience. :) Grateful for friendly people, and also that my family came to watch me dance. Also that I did not trip over on my wonderful but dangerous pants :P

All in all, it has been a wonderful, wonderful three days. Amazing to catch up with Dani and all that jazz, I miss her terribly. I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday night!
Lise xx