Monday, February 28, 2011

Little Moments.

A nice moment today, which I was grateful for :)
In chemistry class, one of the girls on my table was talking about my blog - saying that she'd read it, and liked it, which made me feel nice inside :) Then, she turned to her boyfriend beside her and asked 'What were you grateful for today?'
It's a good feeling to know you've got people thinking about something, that they consider it in their own lives. A good feeling, indeed :)
Lise xx

Saturday, February 26, 2011

To market, to market.

GratefulGratefulGratefulll :)
Markets, secondhand books, tie-dyed pants, scones and coffee for breakfast, spined cucmbers, kittens in the persimmons, chocolatey delights, quirky short films, Rage til the wee hours; a gorgeous, marvellous day with a friend :)
A mixed bag of a day, but oh-so-good! The pictured ukele trio just made my day, it was the most gorgeous moment, ever! They got a handful of silver from me :)
In the hope that all your days were filled with much laughter and randomness, too,
Lise xx

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fooling About. Responsibly, of course.

A very, very nice day :)
'Cairns Constitutional Convention'.
Prior to attending, I was unaware of what it was, so that made it all the more exciting, really. I met some nice new people, listened to interesting speeches and enjoyed the free food and the car ride :)
It was good to spend time with/get to know the other student leaders a bit better. They're all lovely, rad people really and I was very grateful that I took the opportunity to go on the trip. It was a grand, grand time :)
Best go, as a result of missing out on school, there is work to catch up on!
Lise xx

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Arty Lurve.

Last night, there was no Internet :O
But now there is, so we can resume our grateful escapades :)
Todayy: grateful for friends, and chatting, and silliness.
But HUGELY grateful for all the wonderful, beautiful, inspirational people who share their thoughts, their feelings, their lives with us in blog form. Above are some particular favourites of mine from [] and []. Lots of little projects come to mind, some photography and garment-making :) stay tuned. I am inspired by these people, and the way they and others represent and express the world around them :)
Take a peek. Be inspired. Have an arty evening.
Lise xx

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tea, and Sweet Treats, and a Good Cry.

These were the things that I was grateful for today. This evening, more so. They fix things. They make the world a better place. In all her wisdom, my mother once told me:
"There's not a problem in the world that can't be at least halved by a nice cup of tea."
So, I try and follow such advice :) Tonight, the blog must be short for I have a great deal of homework, piled around me, coming in droves! D:
I hope your worlds are treating you beautifully. I love each of you. Goodnight.
Lise xx

Monday, February 21, 2011

Another Monday.


Grateful, today, for many-a-thing :) pictured on the top is the local pool: I was grateful for the wonderful buzz I get out of a morning swim, watching the sky lighten above me, the great feeling you get all day.
Also, for the b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l moon tonight! My gosh, it was just lovely! A giant golden orb, I haven't seen one that big in years and years. The picture simply doesn't do it justice :)
Friends made me smile today, and I am grateful for them every day.
Goodnight, lovely people.
Lise xx

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Starlight, Starbright.

Grateful for sunsets :)
A very pretty ending to the day, holding promise that tomorrow will be beautiful. They're lovely from between trees, on top of a mountain, looking out over the ocean. Anywhere, a glimpse of richly coloured sky is enough to make the spirit soar :)
I had a very nice day today, full of pretty, pretty things from other people's minds and inspiration for arty little projects that I hope to carry out :)
I hope that today's sun has set on a day that leaves you happy and full of love.
Lise xx

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Foodie. Such a nice word :)

Hi all :)
Gratefulness today was for a gorgeous dinner party, given by sister and sister's friend. Thanks, Grace and Courtney :) Three beautiful courses (plus canapes!)
Other than that large bit of delightful this evening, I also had a nice chat with two separate friends who I haven't seen in much too long. So, that was nice :)
And now, my dears, I'm off to bed. Happy and full of yummy things :)
Lise xx

Friday, February 18, 2011

Can't Touch This...

Howdy! :)
Grateful for a lovely evening of silliness with the extended family :) A 'Just Dance' a Zumba party, without the multicultural abs. Hope the neighbours enjoyed the fun, as we left the blinds upp :) Sadly, I broke my self-promise to take my camera EVERYWHERE and as such failed to capture the delight on digital film :( ah well, the memory is what counts, yes? Hope you all had a nice night. Remember to dance like a lunatic. It is one of the many crucial keys to a full and happy life ;)
Dance, minions, dance! I love you!
Lise xx

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Oh, so today I was grateful for the 'Notes' function on my Ipod :) which allows me to record helpful pearls of wisdom which my dear father occasionally comes out with, in order to remember them exactly :) however, that seems a bit of a lame and superficial thing to be grateful for. Indeed, I was also grateful for the opportunity to have a nice chat with other members of the student leadership team at the 'Meet the Teachers' function, and also for the general joviality and pleasant company of good friends today :)
Lots of happyyyyy.
Lise xx

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Here Comes the Sun..

Ohh, misty mornings. So pretty :) The way the sun shines through the cloud, the sleepy silhouettes of cows and the trees. As father [] mentioned this morning, we see postcards and calendars and the like with pictures of mountains veiled in mist and rolling green hills. We sit and admire them, yet we forget that we live in a place just like it :) grateful for the lovely place in which I reside :)
Beautiful thoughts, loves.
Lise xx

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pretty Little Places.


Oh, we all have them, in our towns and cities. Those pretty little places that are tucked away in corners, forgotten a bit, but provide some loveliness :) This little river-ish creek-y place is right beside the main road in our small town. When I took this picture, I was standing on the footpath. I was surrounded by the cigarette butts and empty bottles that litter such areas, and cars were rushing past, blowing exhaust fumes and hot air in my general direction. In fact, just out of the frame downstream is an abandoned shopping trolley, which was a smidge sad. However, I couldn't help but stop and stand and look awhile, and take delight in the running water and cool leaves and all that other cliche stuff which is so very nice :)
Take the time to notice, for if we all forget, one day such pretty little places will vanish altogether, and be but memories, stories we tell of 'when we were young'.
A big slice of lovin' to you all.
Lise xx

Sunday, February 13, 2011

No photo :(

Grateful today for lovely Nature, beautiful sunsets and lovely lakes. None of which, I'm afraid, were captured in photograph form :( better luck tomorrow.
Love to all,
Lise xx

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bro :)

Grateful for little brother :)
Babysitting tonight while parentals socialise at "Meet the teachers" night, and we've had a lovely time watching the 'Atlantis' movies. Fun times :)
Lise xx

Monday, February 7, 2011

Back Online.

So, for any of you who missed the memo - Cyclone Yasi just finished mauling Queensland and is in the process of making South Australia drizzly and such [admittedly, I slept quite peacefully through the event]. Internet restored, and the blogging continues. Have been grateful for many things over the past week or so, and so to keep you all from boredom I shall merely resort to listing :)

Rain.                                                Pancakes on the barbecue.
Reminiscing.                                    Candlelit card games.
Poncho walks.                                  Skittle feasts.
Lazing about.                                    New life [watched a lizard egg hatch].
Competitive family games.                 Mushrooms. and Pie.
Hugs in a storm.                               Shopping. For groceries. yeah, really :)
Making dinner.                                  Exercise. [you may not believe. but its true.]
Perspective.                                      Compassion.
Humour.                                            Family and friends and Jarrah :) xx

I was very, very grateful that our home and, indeed, our region were not devastated by the cyclone. However, we have close friends in the Tully and Innisfail area, who have lost more or less everything. My thoughts and my love to them, and to everyone who has been affected, majorly or not, by this disaster. Humbling, really.
I hope you are all safe and well, loves.
Hugs and such.
Lise xx

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Oh, today I was greatly grateful for all the snuggly things :) holding hands and hugs and kisses and coffee :) and then a lovely time wandering around the local bookstore. Awwww :) xx

A wise friend of mine once said;
I tend to agree :)

On the other hand, everyone is battening down the hatches as we prepare for a dayum huge tropical cyclone, supposed to hit tomorrow night. Yikes and eep!

Stay safe, everyone. Be careful, but don't worry :)
l.o.v.e. Lise xx